Wednesday 4 January 2017

WK Muar Minced Fish Otak-Otak (Standard) Review

Who doesn't love Otah-Otah!
This here is the green one aka the cheapskate version. I normally steamed the whole block for a meal so it doesn't get the proper roasted Otah-Otah taste cos I no have the banana leaves (Where can you get them anyway?!).
I'm pretty sure the texture will improve if I had something to roast it in and roast it with, like an old fashion charcoal stove. But... It'd be quite a lot more work to smear the paste between the banana leaves, pin them in place with toothpicks and then roasting them over a fire which I'd have to watch. Meh too much trouble.... So I just steam it.

WK Muar Minced Fish Otak-Otak (Standard)

Green packaging = cheaper version

Taste Review

Taste - 8/10
Bear in mind I just steam the heck out of this all the time, the otah-otah comes out decent tasting with a good coconut-ish creaminess without being too fishy and it also has just the right tinge of chili burn. I like this one.

Texture - 7/10
Good firm meat that's not spongy or too tough even if I leave it steaming for too long. Good!

Cost - 10/10
It seems to be the cheapest option out there. Frequently on offer at about $7.80 for 3 x 180g blocks at NTUC.

Tasting Notes
It tastes good, hits the spot when I want Otah-Otah and its cheap. I love it! I may change my mind if I find a better one out there though heh. Oh I've also tried the more atas version aka the blue version which has chunks of fish added to the Otah-Otah. The review for the premium blur version can be found here.

TLDR version
Keep a block or two in the freezer for when you feel like Otah-Otah or need an additional dish at no hassle for a meal. This is a keeper!

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