Wednesday 4 January 2017

Obasan Crispy Beancurd Skin eview

I love beancurd products, especially beancurd skin. You can fry it or add it to soups so it's superbly versatile.

Obasan Crispy Beancurd Skin

Obasan's a cute name though I'm pretty sure this ain't a Japanese brand

Taste Review

Taste - 7/10
Very faint taste. Slightly sweet

Texture - 4/10
Decent beancurd skin texture. If you fry it, well it gets crispy but its also a bit thick so the crunch is not as satisfying. If you put it into soups... it has hard bits in places so I guess the sheets aren't very even.

Cost - 6/10
$2.20 for a 176g pack at Sheng Siong. Decently priced I guess.

Tasting Notes
Tasted ok but the hard bits really get to me. It's kinda irritating. I've tasted better.

TLDR version
I've definitely tasted better. Keep looking...

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