Wednesday 4 January 2017

All Big Mini Chikuwa Review

Nothing is as lifesaving as instant noodles if you need to fix a meal in a jiffy. And unless you're some pathetic kid who has never cooked before, you will know that with just a few added ingredients, instant noodles can be elevated from cancer causing desperation food to amazeballs wtf-did-I-just-eat kind of meal.
Chikuwa is one of the most common ingredients and there are a crazy load of brands out there. I just grabbed the cheapest one this time and it's called...

All Big Mini Chikuwa

Sad sack of disappointment!

Taste Review

Taste - 3/10
Ugh... You won't taste much fish in this one. In fact, you won't taste anything at all but at least it doesn't taste foul. All you get are fleeting images of roasted briny chikuwa... in your dreams.

Texture - 2/10
It's like biting into a slightly spongy tau kwa. I've eaten enough chikuwa to know that's not right. This is some serious corner cutting here. In a normal chikuwa, that middle brown part is supposed to be well roasted and there should be a firmer outer sleeve that covers the chikuwa. This pirated sorry piece of flour stick has tasteless brown paint standing in for that roasted segment.
This gets a 2 because its not completele inedible.

Cost - 10/10
It's dirt cheap alright. ~$2.60 for 250g. 

Tasting Notes
Not worth the money or the calories!
Save your money and spent it on a better quality chikuwa (no idea which one yet. I've to finish this pack first... It's still edible so I can't wait it... least the thunder god heh.)
Either that or spend that money on some other ingredients that taste better and cost about the same!
This is the first and last time I buy All Big Mini Chikuwa. Bleargh!

TLDR version
This is a piece of shit. Do not buy shit like this. It is bad for your sanity!

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