Sunday 8 January 2017

Killiney 2-in-1 Premium White Coffee Review

Like a rare Pokemon, this is a coffee that's hard to find... It's the Killiney 2-in-1 premium white coffee! It's only sold at some NTUC and Killiney outlets and if you've ever tried to order white coffee at any Killiney outlet, they just break out this sachet and add hot water too! So erm I guess legit? Lol

Killiney 2-in-1 Premium White Coffee

The sachet is really big

The brown is quite intense

Taste Review

Aroma - 10/10
Once you pour in the hot water and start stirring, the rich strong wonderful aroma will freaking assault your senses. You will smell it. Your cubicle neighbors will smell it. Your whole damn office will smell it. Everyone will come around seeking the source of this holy smell. You'll be like the Pied Piper.

Taste - 9/10
Taste is STRONG and robust with a nutty finish lurking beneath a medium bitterness. The coffee is thick too. I could feel it sliding down my throat almost like a piece of jelly. Though this may be because I am using less water as the cup I am using it a bit smaller than a normal coffee mug...

Cost - 4/10
This can only be found in selected NTUC supermarkets and selected Killiney Kopitiam outlets. A box (yes it comes in a box) costs about $7.90 for 15 sachets. That's about $0.527 per sachet. This is not kind on the wallet at all.

Tasting Notes
By far THE most aromatic instant coffees of all. I think Killiney just puts in a ton of coffee in that huge sachet. There's no denying its rightful place as the instant coffee with the most powerful aroma.

Now there is a quirk to this coffee. I've ever drunk this 3 days in a row and somehow, the aftertaste started to change and it actually became nauseating. There is a sickly bitter aftertaste that is a bit like a badly prepared powdered milk drink. I don't quite know how to describe it but urgh it was bad. Put me off this coffee for a long time. However, after going about 3 months without drinking it, it was fine again. No idea what's going on but that was my experience! Honest truth!

TLDR version
Super strong aroma that is irresistible but watch out for that weird aftertaste if you drink it often. 

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