Sunday 8 January 2017

Fairprice Corn Kernel Review

Housebrands are almost always the cheapest amongst the brands and sometimes they are quite good. NTUC corn just isn't one of them.

Fairprice Corn Kernel

Wayyyy big pack 
Cheap too

Taste Review

Taste - 4/10
Bland and unimaginative. This is frozen corn at its most bearable. No sweetness, just the taste of corn.

Texture - 3/10
"Corn is a vegetable that provides fibre." Each bite just keeps pushing that message home as I munched on fibrous kernel after fibrous kernel. These are corn kernels alright. I could feel each kernel on my tongue as whole and ermmm... unpopped or squished. NTUC corn kernels are tough mofos and I mean tough.

Cost - 10/10
Nothing beats this housebrand. It's cheap-ass. $6.55 for 2 packs of frozen 1kg corn. 

Tasting Notes
You know how corn can be oh so nice, soft, fluffy and sweet? Not this one lol! It's the opposite of all of em! Treat yourself better and buy a better brand like this one.

TLDR version
Use this corn if you need to feed your enemies or if you hate yourself. Or use it as a filler. 

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