Wednesday 4 January 2017

Indocafe White Coffee Review

For my very first review, it's going to be something we all can't live without. COFFEE!

One of the most common ones you're bound to encounter will be Indocafe. It's cheap, ubiquitous and exists in a few varieties. The one I always stock at home is Indocafe white coffee which is actually a 2-in-1 coffee.

Indocafe White Coffee

Very distinct white and black powder

Nice light brown colour

Taste Review

Aroma - 6/10
light sweet caramel fragrance

Taste - 6/10
Creamy with a mild coffee flavor and light bitterness that lingers

Cost - 10/10
Frequently on offer for $5.95 for 2 packs of 30 sticks each. Averages about 0.09cents per stick. This is waayyyyy cheap. It's like 10-12x cheaper than the coffeeshop! And I'll bet this is actually better than some of the horrible brews made by dispassionate kopi kias in some coffeeshops. 

Tasting Notes
It's a working man's coffee in that its cheap as hell and I mean real cheap. You can buy a truck load of this and literally guzzle it without burning a hole in your pocket. Taste won't be your top priority if you buy this but it will do a decent job of getting your engines started. The strength seems to be mild but baring any lab analysis, it's all just guess work and my guess is you'll need a midday pick me up with this coffee. Probably one that tastes better and also gives you an excuse to leave the desk for a coffee run to the coffeeshop or office pantry peppered with some small talk along the way. Contains instant coffee (probably mainly Arabica beans + the usual nanyang style coffee fillers of maize / corn and roasted with butter?) and a non-diary creamer. Definitely not for fussies!

TLDR version
This is a workhorse coffee that's cheap and decent. Get it to save your pocket!

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