Monday 9 January 2017

Melinda's Gluten-Free Goodies Lemon Mug Pudding Review

I've never really tried making a mug cake / pudding in the microwave before so I picked this up from the discount cart in Cold Storage for a steal at ~$1.70. 
It had an expiry of 25 Jan 2017 so its still not expired yet! Cheapskate ftw! lol

Melinda's Gluten-Free Goodies Lemon Mug Pudding

Reduced to clear! Favorite words of mine

Instructions... right. I can do this. 
Mug. Check. The ever reliable Brother

I think this is ~20g... I just kinda loped off a chuck and tossed it in.

Nuked it in the microwave to melt the butter and in goes the mix.

Oops forgot to add milk. Just tipped in some milk. I guess it's about 30ml. lol. Stir to mix.

End result after nuking

Taste Review

Taste - 6/10
As you can see mine turned out all fugly. Maybe that's why they recommend putting a scoop of ice cream on top... Colour is a nice alluring yellow though. I'm not a very good baker too so mine turned out smelling quite buttery and milky. Probably cos I added too much milk and butter lol. The lemon scent is light so that's actually a little disappointing. It was very sweet. Not surprising as its top ingredient is sugar. Gluten-free health food be damned if its chock full of sugar!

Texture - 4/10
It's very sticky, sweet and a bit lumpy. I bit into quite a few sugar clusters which makes it even more cloy. I'm not sure if this was cos I messed up the steps or if the product is just like that. 

Cost - 5/10
I got it at a steal of $1.70 cos it was reduced to clear. It's usual price is $4++ for 4 puddings. I probably wouldn't have bought it then.

Tasting Notes
It's quite fun and easy to make. I think it'd be great for kids plus which kid doesn't like a sugar bomb. I had to start and stop my nuking cause the mixture will overflow if it's a conical mug. This won't happen with bowl shaped mugs. So... extra fun!
Here's a video of the nuking process.

TLDR version
Fun activity for kids or the kid in you. I won't eat this often. Too sweet. 

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