Wednesday 4 January 2017

Nescafe 2-in-1 Original Zero Sugar Added Review

So I am also a person who's addicted to free samples and I got this in the mail. Am so drinking it.

Nescafe 2-in-1 Original Zero Sugar Added

Usual flat lay lol

Oooh nice brown

Taste Review

Aroma - 7/10
pleasant sweet caramel fragrance

Taste - 6/10
Very mild creaminess and mild coffee flavor that starts off with a light bitterness that puts you into a false sense of comfort before it progressively starts to kick you in the shins harder and harder with a build up of medium strength bitterness that lingers for a short while of approximately 10sec or so.

Cost - 9/10
Nescafe is like the flies of coffee. It's everywhere and has a huge variety. This one's $5.75 when on offer and they throw in 8 extra sticks too. So average cost comes up to.... $0.13 per stick. Ha! It still loses to Indocafe White Coffee!

Tasting Notes
Just like Indocafe, this is another working man's coffee that's cheap and gets the job done. The difference between this and Indocafe is the level of bitterness so choose your poison.
Coffee strength seems stronger than Indocafe and it should keep you running for the better part of the day.

TLDR version
This coffee is basically a master piece, it's engineered to mimic the relationship of an abusive spouse. Gentle and loving at first and then the bitterness builds up and wham! You get a hit of caffeine and peak bitterness then that bitterness and hate just dissipates. Now repeat daily. 

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