Monday 9 January 2017

Essenso 2-in-1 Microground Coffee Review

Super brand instant coffee goes atas with this 100% Arabica coffee. I first heard about this during a coffee appreciation class at Highlander Coffee (this was the course I took) and I remember the barista saying some positive things about it so of course I had to give it a try and I got to say Essenso is pretty good! 

Essenso 2-in-1 Microground Coffee

White goodness. Like crystal meth. Except legal

It's got a good milo like colour

Taste Review

Aroma - 8/10
Very nice aroma. A good balance that tells this is a nice roast without being too cloyingly sweet or milky.

Taste - 9/10
It has a very good strong pleasant nutty taste that goes down with a nice milky smoothness. Very clean after taste that leaves a slight lingering bitterness that reminds you of the small piece of heaven in a cup that came in an instant coffee stick.

Cost - 8/10
This is quite friendly on the wallet at $5.95 for a pack of 25 sticks while on offer at NTUC. This comes up to $0.238 a stick. While it is double the price compared to the cheaper varieties. If you're feeling rich, just chug this every morning. If you want to skimp and save, then keep this in your pantry and have it whenever you need to treat yourself better.

100% Arabica beans cos its atas
Tasting Notes
The coffee actually feels quite strong BUT being made from Arabica beans, its caffeine count is very unlikely to be high. Typical coffees found in Singapore are made from Robusta beans which have a much higher caffeine content than Arabica beans.

TLDR version
This is high up on the list for quality instant coffee if you can spare a few extra cents. 

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