Thursday 9 February 2017

Thailand's Khao Shong Espresso Instant Coffee Review

I was in Phuket about a year back and of course I had to try the instant coffees there too. The only one that I brought back is this Khao Shong brand coffee cos it's got 5 coffees in one!

I tried the Espresso one first.

5 different coffees in one! So many to try!
Much text and colours. All Thai which I do not understand. It could say rat for all I know!

Interestingly the instructions are slightly different. Add 120ml not 180ml of water.

Thailand's Khao Shong Espresso Instant Coffee 

It's quite obvious that there is much less coffee powder in this one

But it still turns out nice and dark. Colour looks darker than usual though

Taste Review

Aroma - 5/10
Quite a normal coffee caramel aroma. It... smells pretty normal.

Taste - 7/10
It actually has a pretty good balance of sweet and bitter. Both sweet and bitter seem to play together nicely. The sweetness seems to be a sort of condensed milk sweetness. Not to coy either. There is a slight bit of acidity lurking in the back too which is not unpleasant and is something I don't taste in the instant coffees back home. It also has a clean after taste.

Cost - NA
Cos I forgot how much I paid for it. LOL

Tasting Notes
Nothing much more to add actually. It's easily found in convenient stores and mini marts in Phuket so I'm guessing it's easily found in Thailand. Just remember to use less water when brewing.

TLDR version
A pretty good cuppa from Thailand!

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