Wednesday 1 February 2017

Singapore Blond Ale Calamansi & Pandan Leaves Review

So I was at the Pick Junction Open House where there was a bazaar with free courses, food and drinks. I got this free beer. FREE BEER!!!!

Singapore Blond Ale Calamansi & Pandan Leaves

Quite a nice design. Calamansi & Pandan sounds like a good pairing too!

Pairing options

Taste Review

Taste - 4/10
 I wanted to like this so bad but the beer turned out to be a pretty standard ale. It tasted just ok, kinda like a Heinkein which is to say slightly weak and semi-flat. Ok yes I know, it's from a bottle and not on tap, can't fault it there. The flavors! The label promised so much! Calamansi! Pandan! ALL MISSING!

Cost - 2/10
I got mine free :D
A quick search finds this selling at $20 for 4 bottles on Redmart while on offer. That's $5 per bottle. Errr.... I might as well buy a Heinkein or even better, a Tiger. Cheaper too.

Tasting Notes
I can't understand why they would push this brew out. There is neither calamansi nor pandan in it at all or if it's there, I can't taste even a hint or smell a whiff of it.

TLDR version
A craft beer that does not deliver what it promises. 

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