Wednesday 1 February 2017

Nescafe Gao Siew Dai Ipoh Instant White Coffee Review

So this looks kinda new-ish to me and being the festive period, the promoters are on overdrive and pushing the Nescafe hard. 

Nescafe Gao Siew Dai Ipoh White Coffee

The stick's pretty big and there's quite a large amount of coffee mix there

Nice and brown
Hey! Instructions on how to make an iced version. Oh... just add ice. Lol

Taste Review

Aroma - 4/10
Strong coffee aroma and equally strong caramel tones. Both seem to be fighting each other... So that's not good. The balance is basically off. The smell also does not remind me of white coffee either. Hmm

Taste - 5/10
First taste is a mix of bitterness and sweetness. It even borders on coy and actually does not taste like white coffee. There is a slight lingering bitterness. The sweetness stays with you too for a while after the coffee's gone down. (I tot this is siew dai?) I personally do not like lingering sweetness in my coffee but... maybe that's just my preference.

Cost - 5/10
At $5 for 15 sticks it's $0.333 per stick. Not too bad but I seriously expected something better at this price and you CAN get something better and at a better price too! Seriously, you might as well get the Essenso!

Tasting Notes
Coffee is gao as advertised. It's very thick and slides down my throat almost like jelly. But this thing is sweet when it's supposed to be less sweet! Bah

TLDR version
A very confused coffee that advertises itself as white but tastes more like a normal kopi. It advertises siew dai but it is still quite sweet.

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