Thursday 2 February 2017

Emerald Scallops Review

Another CNY favorite, scallops. You can pop this into soups or if you're feeling laborious enough, you can melt some duck fat or butter and sear this in a pan. Clean up's a bitch though.

Emerald Scallops

Very simple packaging. Very nice white too. 

10/20 is the size and these are quite big. They're around the size of those old large 50cent coins.

Taste Review

Taste - 8/10
It's a decent scallop. The colour's is good and when done well, as in slightly undercooked, it's nice and buttery with a nice whiff of the sea. 

Texture - 8/10
Pretty good texture. Nice oily feel and firm to touch after thawing.

Cost - 5/10
I got it on offer at NTUC at $28.80 for 1Kg. It's a pretty good price for scallops of this size.  

Tasting Notes
The best way to cook these big boys is... to sear them on a hot pan. But clean up... oh the clean up... The alternative is to batter them up and deep fry them which I have not tried because I've not mastered the deep fry yet.

TLDR version
Luxurious scallops at a decent price when on offer. The key is in the prep.

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